Sensory-Emotional Regulation/Apraxia/Adrenaline Over-reaction

Sensory-Emotional Regulation/Apraxia/Adrenaline Over-Reaction

Foundations In Regulation

Beyond Sensory Strategies

Autistic children, teens, and young adults who are experiencing severe difficulties in their daily lives such as: big explosive episodes, periods of being unable to tolerate every day activities, experiencing “shut-down” episodes, or are unable to make forward progress with their current therapies due to severe challenges; can start our program at their own pace and get individualized consultations.

Olive Tree OT offers Regulation services using our Ten Step Foundations In Regulation Program derived from our work in the clinic and the community. It has helped to support autistic children, teens, and young adults in a systematic and dignified way to reach their regulation and functional goals by setting the stage for success.

It has become our mission over the last decade to use our extensive knowledge of regulation, with over 14 years working with individuals in clinics, hospitals, and schools, to help other families understand how to have calm and happier days by laying a foundation for regulation that goes well beyond just sensory strategies. There are 10 crucial elements that when addressed, set the foundation for calm days, increased learning, and obtaining goals.

All autistic individuals deserve the opportunity to participate fully in their community and make significant progress towards their goals and we are passionate about sharing this knowledge with you.

Autistic children, teens, and young adults who are experiencing severe difficulties in their daily lives such as: big explosive episodes, periods of being unable to tolerate every day activities, experiencing “shut-down” episodes, or are unable to make forward progress with their current therapies due to severe challenges; can start our program at their own pace and get individualized consultations.

We also love working with families of young children who suspect an autism diagnosis or have recently received a diagnosis, let’s get your loved one on the right path from the very beginning and avoid the damaging pitfalls, we are here for you.

Our exclusive 10 step Pathway to Regulation and Function was created by a licensed occupational therapist with over 14 years of clinical experience, but more importantly a mother, who for the last decade has dedicated her practice and training to find ways to help her snot only her son but her clients reach calmness by teaching parents how to remove the blocks to obtain regulation and calm.

Interested to hear more about how we can help? Would you like to schedule a 20 minute complimentary consultation? Have a question for our team? Send us an Email Here

If you are a professional in the field looking for ways to support your clients, scroll below for the Complex Cases class.

Support Groups, Skill Building Groups and Classes

Coffee Hour Parent Support Group

Olive Tree Parent Coffee Hour Support Group

All parents welcomed! Presented by Olive Tree Occupational Therapy in partnership with Building Bridges, Autism Society Inland Empire, and Desert Recreation District. A support group for parents and guardians of special needs children and adults. RSVP required so we can best prepare and have a cup of coffee ready for you! A friendly group meant for facilitating peer support and sharing community resources.

You can join us the 4th Tuesday of the month from 10:30-11:30 in-person located in the city of Bermuda Dunes. Please email Paloma to RSVP or fill out registration form at the bottom of this website. Free to the community.

2025 schedule

Jan 28

Feb 25

March 25

No April Meeting

No May Meeting

June 24

July 22

Aug 26

Sept 23

October 28

No November Meeting

No December Meeting

Young Adult Skill Group (YAS)

Young Adult Skills Group

For special needs young adults age 18 + each session is specially coordinated to include fun and engaging sensory-movement, social opportunities, life skills, and hobby exploration. We present a rotation of dance, Tai-chi, photography, painting, woodworking, sensory motor lab, and more!

Tuesdays 11:00am-1:00pm


Participants can bring water, lunch and closed toe shoes.

Self-determination and private pay accepted

For more information or to request a trial class please contact using the form below or email

Make and Take Sensory Bin and Play Class

Children will delight in making their very own sensory bin to play and take home! There will also be time to socialize and play in the kids small gym with the water table, ball-pit, small bounce house and monkey bars. Please note bins will vary in content and gym activities may be modified to better serve the children.

Children ages 3-9 all abilities welcomed! Let us know how we can best accommodate your child.

Additional dates coming up!

Please fill out registration at the bottom to get on our email list!

Complex Regulation and Function Class For Professionals

Adrenaline Over-reaction

Do you feel like there is something missing to connect and help with some of your more complex autistic students or clients? Want to know more about what researched found in the last 1-3 years that could greatly impact the way we work with the autistic population and find success? We are so excited to share this upcoming class with all of you!

“Understanding Complex Regulation Challenges in Autistic Children and Teens : Increase Participation and Reduce Behaviors ” introductory class is designed for Pediatric Occupational Therapists and others in the community looking for resources to address complex challenges in autistic children and teens such as: severe adrenaline over-reaction based behaviors, causes of lack of engagement and lack of progress towards goals and how to change that and more.

Parent who would like to obtain a more general overview may also benefit from this training.

Fill out the form below to receive announcements about our online class coming up in March!


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